Five Questions Answered About Laser Skin Resurfacing

At Marisa Lawrence Plastic Surgery, we proudly offer an array of surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic treatments to men and women in the Greater Atlanta, GA area. With a state-of-the-art center and cutting-edge techniques, patients can get help to achieve their ultimate aesthetic goals. Double board-certified and fellowship-trained plastic surgeon Dr. Marisa Lawrence is the founder and sole surgeon at her private practice. Dr. Lawrence and her experienced team provide patients with the highest level of care in a safe and welcoming environment.

One of the exciting new advancements in cosmetic treatments is laser skin resurfacing. It is a nonsurgical procedure that uses a medical laser to treat imperfections on the face. As a result, some of the areas men and women can improve include the appearance of sun-damaged skin, acne scars, and fine lines and wrinkles. Read on to learn more about this cosmetic procedure and get answers to the five most common questions asked by those considering laser skin resurfacing for facial rejuvenation.

1. What kind of skin conditions does laser resurfacing treat?

Facial skin resurfacing, also known as a laser peel, may sound a little daunting if someone doesn't know much about laser treatments. Laser skin resurfacing can treat a myriad of issues, such as sagging skin, acne scars, sun spots, and wrinkles. It helps smooth and rejuvenate the skin by removing the top layer of dead skin cells, helping patients look healthier and even younger. It can:

  • Even out a patient's skin tone due to sun damage or age spots
  • Tighten mild sagging, or loose skin
  • Reduce the appearance of broken blood vessels
  • Minimize wrinkles and fine lines
  • Reduce redness or fix discoloration, like hyperpigmentation and rosacea

2. Is there a difference between an ablative or non-ablative laser treatment?

Depending on each patient's aesthetic needs, Marisa Lawrence Plastic Surgery offers three types of laser skin resurfacing treatments to their patients in the Greater Atlanta, GA area:

  • Ablative laser treatments use an intense beam of laser light energy to remove the outer layer of skin. With exact precision, they treat the thin layers of facial skin to reduce sun damage, wrinkles, and the appearance of acne scars. They are also the best option for skin tightening results.
  • Non-ablative laser treatments do not remove the top layer of skin. They use laser light to make micro-lesions to the face to stimulate collagen production and tighten the underlying skin. They are designed to reduce redness, hyperpigmentation, and aging skin with patients who are able to wait for 2 – 3 months to see final results.
  • Fractional laser treatments are a combination of both ablative and non-ablative techniques to promote a natural healing process. They address skin imperfections while leaving patients with healthier, tighter-looking skin.

3. Is laser skin resurfacing painful?

While no one option of laser resurfacing is necessarily better than the other, each one is designed to vary in degree of intensity and recovery. Facial skin resurfacing works to remove dead skin cells while stimulating new collagen production. During a thorough one-on-one consultation, Dr. Lawrence will help determine which laser technique will give each patient optimal results, depending on each patient's skin conditions and how deep they want the treatment to go. Non-ablative laser sessions are less intense and ideal for patients with mild skin imperfections. A topical anesthetic can be used to numb the target area. With more intense laser treatments, some kind of sedation may be necessary.

4. How long is the recovery period?

Patients can expect their skin to become dry and peel 5 – 7 days after a laser resurfacing session. Depending on the skin issue and laser treatment used, the healing process takes about 10 – 21 days. Once the skin heals, patients can wear oil-free makeup to minimize any redness, which usually completely subsides in about 2 – 3 months. It is imperative that patients do not pick or peel their skin during the recovery period and avoid direct sun exposure. Dr. Lawrence or one of her experienced team members will explain how the skin will heal after each laser resurfacing treatment. The recovery period is part of the process, and leaves patients with long-lasting results.

5. How many facial skin resurfacing treatments will I need?

Dr. Lawrence will help patients determine which laser skin resurfacing option is necessary and how many treatments will be needed to achieve their goals. Most patients require at least 3 – 4 treatments to see optimal results. Most treatments are scheduled about a month apart to allow the skin to correctly recover, but some patients may need to wait several weeks or even months between appointments. Deeper treatments require a more extended recovery period, so patients will work closely with Dr. Lawrence on when additional laser skin resurfacing sessions will be scheduled.

Both women and men, in the Greater Atlanta, GA area can get effective results with laser skin resurfacing. By treating or removing the outer layer of skin, patients can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sun damage, and more to look and feel years younger. If you are interested in a laser peel, then we invite you to reach out to Marisa Lawrence Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.